June 1995 - March 2012

Establish territory and maintain it free of those with bad intent.

Set boundaries with others you live with.

Protect others you live with.

Family isn't based only on genetics.

Open your heart to other species. They will show their affection for you.

Be independent.

Be innocent.

Innocently act.

Get up at sunrise to nourish yourself.

Snack throughout the day.

Rest during day.

Rest at night unless you think other things need to be done.

Be proactive.

Express your desires to those you trust.

Don't allow opposition to push you down and hold you down.

Always get up and keep going.

Being playful when you're growing helps you develop your skills.

Growing up there may be a lot of obstacles, but you still come out of them strong, which makes you stronger when your older.

Share what you have.

Here are poems about Sam
How We Got Sam
Sammy's Hungry
4/4/2012 10:43:19 pm

Beautiful. Hold on, let go. I will be back. Or Join me at the source, where nothing dies. Lovely cat, lovely poem.

4/5/2012 02:55:13 am

Paul, beautiful comment :)


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